About Us
TOMINEJO is more than an ecotourism project, it is the life’s purpose of Gina Marcela and Luis Fernando, a couple of professionals from the Agricultural Sector, lovers of conservation and care for the planet. It all started in 2013 when they bought a farm in the north Caldas, municipality of Neira. There they began planting native trees with the aim of attracting birds and other species, as well as protecting water sources and the soil.
Little by little they have seen them grow with great enthusiasm and have been able to appreciate their wonderful impact on the ecosystem by learning with them. In the year 2020 they decided to make a treehouse to be able to contemplate the forest up close and experience the magnitude of being immersed in it, and this experience had such an impact on them that they decided to open their doors in the year 2021 so that other people could feel like a bird in its habitat.
In this way, Gina and Luis seek to transmit and empower the love for nature, leaving a seed of environmental responsibility in each heart that visits them. Tominejo has a wonderful human team made up of two families of 4 members each. All of them actively participate in the farm chores.
Somos una experiencia de Ecolodge, Hotel, Alojamiento rural, Ecohotel

Social and environmental responsibility
Conscientes de la necesidad apremiante del cuidado del medio ambiente, Gina Marcela y Luis Fernando, cuentan con programa de siembra de árboles nativos permanente en Tominejo. Han reforestado más del 70% del terreno con más de 7000 árboles sembrados, transformando el terreno que por décadas estaba dedicado a la ganadería, en una valiosa área rural en regeneración.
El propósito en curso es contribuir con la preservación de las diferentes especies de flora y fauna locales; a través de la consolidación de un espeso bosque de cordillera que albergue la mayor cantidad de vida posible, por donde se encaucen aguas puras y que contribuya con la mitigación de los efectos del cambio climático.
In Tominejo there is a great commitment to the environment, which is why the use of single-use plastics is limited, ecological paper is used, rainwater is used for cleaning and washing tasks, electric energy is used efficiently. with energy-saving lights and periodic reviews of the networks. The soaps and bathroom utensils are biodegradable, there are efficient septic tank systems with infiltration fields and the waste is properly managed in partnership with different foundations and the local sanitation company.